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August 25, 2024 Malaysia: Short Term Mission Trip

Written by Communications

In 2021, East Cooper set a goal of sending 500 members on mission trips by 2026. As part of this initiative, a team of three East Cooper members traveled to Malaysia in February to lead Bible trainings and build relationships with local believers. Malaysia, a melting pot of cultures and religions, is home to 34 million people. Of these 34 million, only 3.5% of the population are evangelical Christians. The goal of this trip was to pour into a small group of local believers by equipping them to grow in the knowledge of Christ and share truths about Him with others. 

Pat Estes was the first to commit to the trip. Although Pat heard about missions at her church and saw teams going all over the world, she didn’t think missions was for her until someone explained that she did not need seminary training to be qualified to go. A former pastor called Pat to see if she would be interested in traveling to help with a women’s Bible training. This was the first time Pat considered going on a short term mission trip. “When I first thought about going on a mission trip, I thought to myself ‘What do I have to share?’ But, I am passionate about ministering to women and I have good news to share.” Overcoming her fear and hesitations, Pat shared her desire to go on a short term trip with a friend in Bible study. This friend connected Pat to Kelly Cooper, who serves with Reaching and Teaching, an organization that exists to advance the gospel by partnering with local churches as they send qualified missionaries to make mature disciples, establish healthy churches, and train local leaders around the world. Kelly travels to teach and train women, so the friend thought it would be a great opportunity for Pat to participate in. After meeting with Kelly over coffee, Pat committed to a short term trip to Malaysia, where a small team would teach an overview of the Bible to a group of ladies from several international churches. 

Twelve hours before her flight, Pat faced an obstacle that could have deterred her from traveling to Malaysia. She found herself in the emergency room getting stitches on her lip after a fall. “I have faced spiritual battles and this one was a physical battle too, but it made me even more determined to get to Malaysia and engage with the women.” She was not deterred by this setback and was comforted knowing that people in the church were praying specifically for her needs.

With this obstacle behind her, Pat finally arrived in Malaysia along with Karin Myers, an East Cooper member who also participated in the trip. They spent the first few days meeting with women from five international churches who would be attending the training. Pat had the opportunity to teach four of the seminars that focused on an overview of the Bible and how the redemptive work of Christ is seen from Genesis to Revelation. “I always felt like I was more of a facilitator than a teacher, but this really pushed me and it was really good for me. After Kelly asked me to teach, I looked back at goals I had written in 2018 and I had written that I wanted to become a better Bible student and possibly teacher. My other goal was to be challenged to step out in faith. This trip allowed me to do both.” Through these teachings, the goal was to equip the women to teach new converts who have not studied the Bible previously in their churches, homes, and communities.

Pat later reflected on the trip saying, “Sometimes when you hear about these trips, you think you have to be a super-Christian and very qualified, especially in teaching for a trip like this. But, it really ends up being about relating to the people you are ministering to & encouraging them with the gospel. It is risky to go, but it is about taking a step out in faith.” East Cooper offers opportunities to go on short term trips like this one throughout the year. If you want to go on a short term mission trip or get involved with missions, contact Moriah Bruner.

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