Weddings & Funerals


We are excited for you and are thankful that we at East Cooper Baptist Church can be a resource as you continue to prepare for your big day. If you are being married by an ECBC pastor and/or are using our facilities, you are asked to participate in pre-marriage counseling. We are convinced that pre-marriage counseling is a tremendous benefit to you as a couple and can greatly enhance your marriage even before you take your vows. There are several amazing couples here who have been leading pre-marriage classes and discussions for many years. One of the great blessings of the church is that we are all able to learn from Godly people who have walked before us. If you have any questions during the process, please contact us - we are here to help.

In Christ,

Dean Henderson


  • Faith: The bride and groom must profess faith in Christ alone as their Lord and Savior. 
  • Church Membership: Either the bride or groom must be an ECBC member or be the child/grandchild of a member.
  • Biblical Definition of Marriage: The wedding must meet the "Biblical Definition of Marriage," as outlined in our Wedding Guidelines. 
  • Purity: As instructed by Scripture, the Bride and Groom are asked to have a sexually pure relationship prior to marriage.  
  • Pre-marriage Counseling is required and is provided by ECBC at no cost.
  • Agreement with the "Use of Facilities" outlined in our Wedding Guidelines.

If you agree with these guidelines and would like to take the next step, please complete the form below. On this form, you will submit your information and preferred wedding date(s). Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email with information on setting up a meeting with a pastor to arrange your pre-marriage counseling and to discuss any questions you may have. After the meeting with a pastor, we will confirm the availability of your wedding date, and you can secure that date with a $200.00 refundable deposit.  

For more information, please contact Dean Henderson

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are the basic standards enacted by the elders to govern the use of the church for weddings:
  • Because God has ordained marriage and defined it is as the covenant relationship between a man, a woman, and Himself, East Cooper Baptist Church will only recognize marriages between a biological man and a biological woman. Further, our pastors, ministers, and the staff of East Cooper Baptist Church shall only participate in weddings and solemnize marriages between one man and one woman. Finally, the facilities and property of East Cooper Baptist Church shall only host weddings between one man and one woman.
  • The bride and groom must sign a statement of faith in accordance with Scripture.
  • We will not as a church marry a couple that is unequally yoked (i.e., believer and unbeliever).
  • We may not, as a church, marry a couple when one party or both have been divorced and reconciliation to the first spouse is still open. (Each case is unique and is reviewed for special circumstances and considerations).
  • We will not, as a church, marry a couple when a previous divorce situation gives the elders reasonable doubt that this marriage is of God.
  • We may not as a church marry a couple if they have maintained an impure or morally lax relationship or have, in the immediate past, a lifestyle that does not represent biblical purity.
  • We may not, as a church, marry a couple if this marriage is radically opposed by their family members and/or friends--unique circumstances are considered. (Each case is unique and is reviewed for special circumstances).
  • We will not, as a church, marry a couple if they do not satisfactorily complete the premarital course requirements.

The cost for your wedding onsite in the East Cooper Baptist Church Sanctuary is $1000. The initial flat fee covers the use of the facility for 5 hours (this includes rehearsal and wedding ceremony). Any additional time used beyond the 5 hours is $100 per hour. The fee begins when the building is first accessed and ends when the building is vacated. The property must be vacated no later than 10:00pm. The wedding fees directly support the staff members required to assist in your wedding. For a church the size of East Cooper Baptist, it is imperative that knowledgeable staff be available for your wedding in order for the day of your union to be as stress-free as possible.

The Welcome Center may be reserved for the reception only if the wedding ceremony is held at East Cooper Baptist. The fee for use of the Welcome Center is $1000 for 2 hours maximum (does not include setup/breakdown time). The kitchen, gym, gym restrooms, or any East Cooper Baptist equipment (tables, chairs, or other items) are not included in the fee and are not available for use or rent. The same guidelines for the wedding venue apply to the Welcome Center. No alcohol, no live band, no full meals - finger foods only.

There are no weddings allowed on Sundays or any holiday, including but not limited to Easter, the week of Thanksgiving, the week of Christmas, and the week of 4th of July. There are limited dates available for December and February weddings.  


It is our desire and privilege to minister to the families of our congregation in their time of need.

Funeral services are for members of the church and their immediate families (spouse, parents, children, or siblings). Due to daily church commitments, the best times for a funeral service at ECBC are weekday mornings from 10:00-11:00am. We try to avoid scheduling funerals in the afternoons. Saturdays provide more flexibility, depending on the church calendar. Sunday funeral services are discouraged. Pastor Steve Tuck will meet with the family to help counsel and plan the funeral service. For more information, please see our guidelines. 

  • Funeral services are for members of the church and their immediate families (spouse, parents, children, or siblings).
  • Funeral services for non-members will be at the discretion of church leadership.
  • The church will not be able to cancel or reschedule major events to accommodate a funeral service.
  • Due to limited resources, receptions or meals normally cannot be held at the church.
  • The church will assist the family in planning the funeral. Contact the Shepherding Pastor for an appointment.
  • A printed bulletin will follow the office format and all information should be submitted at least 24 hours prior to the service.
  • A church-wide funeral email may be sent upon the permission granted by the immediate family. The deceased must be an ECBC member or the spouse or child of an ECBC member.
  • There is no charge for the facilities, but a gift to defray the cost would be appreciated. Honorariums should be paid directly to those participating in the funeral. Please consult the funeral home for appropriate amounts.
  • Outside participating ministers must be approved by the Senior Pastor or his designee.
  • Funeral services are generally 60 minutes or less. Please stay within this time frame.
  • All music and musicians must be approved by the Worship Pastor.
  • All eulogies, video and other audio/visual presentations are to be five minutes or less and must be approved by the Senior Pastor or his designee.
  • Creating videos or other audio/visual presentations is the responsibility of the member and must be provided to the ECBC Sound and Lighting staff at least 24 hours in advance.

For assistance, please contact Steve Tuck, Shepherding Pastor, at 843-856-3222 ext. 2015. Pastor Tuck will meet with the family to help counsel and plan the funeral service.