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August 25, 2024 Campus Outreach

Written by Communications

Campus Outreach (CO), a ministry that exists to take the gospel to college campuses around the world, emphasizes the importance of life-on-life relationships: one individual sharing his or her life with another. Throughout this past year, CO staff and students have done just that. One story that stands out is that of Danielle Garrell, Faith Ziner, and Diana Kenes.

Faith gave her life to Christ during her freshman year at the College of Charleston when CO staff member Danielle Garrell shared about Him with her on campus. As Faith continued to grow in her relationship with Jesus and in Christian community, she also shared her life and faith with her roommate, Diana. CO values the example of ministry through multiplication that is repeated over and over in Scripture: “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:1-2). 

Growing up in the Catholic church, Diana was familiar with the traditions and lessons of religion, but she did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. Entering her freshman year at the College of Charleston, Diana wanted to step away from her identity as “religious” and find a new identity as a college student. As Diana was searching for her place in college, she observed the change Christ had made in Faith’s life and wanted to know more. 

Faith invited Diana to East Cooper Baptist, where they attended the College Class and worship service. “Initially, I was turned off by the idea of any denomination outside of Catholicism. I had never experienced a different type of worship service or style, but I felt really engaged at East Cooper,” Diana shared. “Faith also made me feel so comfortable and welcomed.” After this visit to church sparked more questions about God, Diana started reading through the Gospel of John with Faith and Danielle. “It was my first time actually reading the Bible and it was really interesting to learn who Jesus really is and that he died on the cross for me and my sins,” Diana shared. She understood that a personal relationship with Jesus was essential to the Christian life and accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Now, Diana is sharing her life with others on the campus. She recently started studying the Bible with a friend who does not know Jesus. “It is such a big joy to read through John and get to know her on a deeper level as a friend, too,” she shared. This summer, she also participated in a 4-week trip to Accra, Ghana with CO. This team of students traveled to encourage the local church and share the gospel with students at the University of Ghana. “My goal is to pour out my life and share Jesus with those around me and the nations,” she shared. 

It is an encouragement to see these students living out the call in 2 Timothy to entrust what they have heard to others and continuing growing the community of Christ. Living out the gospel in this way embodies East Cooper’s vision for the entirety of the body and mission statement of helping broken people treasure Jesus. 

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